Faith that Works

Faith that Works

26th May 2024     |     Malayalam

Faith that Works

Galatians 3:11- But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “the just shall live by faith.” 

Romans 4:18-21 (MSG)- Abraham thought about all this, but his faith in God did not become weak. He never doubted that God would keep his promise, and he never stopped believing. He grew stronger in his faith and gave praise to God. Abraham felt sure that God was able to do what he had promised. 

  • Being strong in faith giving glory to God. I believe in impartation. Today strong faith will be imparted into your lives! 

What is strong faith?

  1. It is Immovable faith. It will the faith that will stand the test of time. 
  2. It is the faith that works.
  3. It is the faith that will make you to obtain every promise of God in your life. Not just hearing the promise and receiving the promise but seeing it manifest in your life. That is strong faith.

The Holy Spirit has laid inside of me that word- Strong faith. It is not a shallow faith. 

o When may have heard a negative report. Strong faith will not allow you to break down hearing the doctor’s words but it will make you declare that God will still do what He promised you. 

  1. It is not a one-time faith but a consistent one that believes the Promise of God. The One who spoke to you is unchanging and he never changes His Words.

Whatever He has spoken will come to pass. He is a miracle worker, He is a mighty God. What He spoke, He will do. 

  1. It is not a short-lived faith.
  2. It is a faith that will stagger not. Abraham staggered not at the Promise of God. o The cops make people blow into the machine to check if he drunk and driving, some cops make the drivers get out of the car and walk to check if he is staggering, 

o Abraham did not stagger. He was old. Sarah was old. Sarah was unbelieving yet he stood and staggered not and held on to God’s Word.

Strong faith will give glory to God.

TLB version uses a Word- 20 But Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing even before it happened. 

  • He gave glory to God even before He saw the blessing. All of us praise God after we see our prayers answered. Abraham heard the promise, he believed it and started to thank God even before his Isaac came.
  • Strong faith gives thanks and glory to God even before the Promise comes to pass. Not after he sees the blessing.
  • If the Words that God spoke has entered your heart, you will not go back staggering from here. You will go back with your head held high. “I receive my healing, I will walk in my health. I will cling to Him and He will deliver me.”

About 7 years ago, I felt a part of my face turn to the side. Upon the doctor’s advice, I took an MRI scan and the doctor said that the nerves in my body were fighting against me. If the nerve fought against my eye, I could go blind within the next 72 hours. If it fought against my lungs, they would shrink, if the nerves fought against my heart, my heart would stop beating and if it fought against my brain, I could become paralyzed. My first child was only 3 months old at that time. What would you do if you heard such a report? I believed THE B-I-B-L-E and not the doctor’s report and here I am today preaching. Last year, I did the same scan again and still, there was no change. The doctor asked me if I felt any problem walking etc. NO, I was OK. Our health and life span are not determined by what you eat or drink but by what the Lord determines for you. 

The One who promised you is Faithful and He will do it. 

The doctor asked us to live close to some hospital so that I could can have access to steroids to prevent any mishap. But the shall live by faith. But I am building a house where there should have been a hospital! 

Your faith in Jesus Christ determines the QUALITY, DURABILITY and LONGEVITY of life. 

A life of faith Is not a complicated life. It is a simplified life. It is not an inferior life but a quality life. Jesus came to give you life and life in all its abundance. 

Your future is determined by your faith in His Promises. You can draw from the power of God by faith. 

Faith brings undeniable or unbeatable strength to your life. You become strong in faith and you become victorious. 

  • Even if the entire office speaks against you or a nation rises against you, you will still stand strong if you have faith in you. Wherever Paul went, either there was a riot or there was a revival. No matter what challenges you go through, you can stand in faith and there is divine strength in faith. • Paul uses certain phrases- ‘I finished my race, I have kept my faith’ 
  • If you have faith, you will run. Some of you track your running and walking. If you walk, you burn 500 calories. But if you run, you burn 1000 or 2000 calories.
  • Give your maximum to God. Why? Jesus gave His maximum to us. He shed His last drop of blood on the Cross of Calvary for you. Isthere anybody here who wants to give your maximum for Jesus? • Some of us can’t pray, can’t read the Bible, and don’t feel like going to church when we face troubles. After hearing from God and receiving direction, Paul went to Macedonia but was imprisoned. That did not discourage him. Through it, he praised and worshipped God and the foundation of the prison shook and the doors were opened.
  • Amid the experiences, release your faith and give glory to God. The shall live by faith! Before a battle begins, the Lord gives you victory. Jesus declares victory even before your battle! • Who is he that overcomes the world? The one who believes. 

1 John 5:4-5- for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 

  • The one who has faith overcometh the world. Faith guarantees your victory. Even before you face a battle in your health, business, family, God has already given you victory. 

I usually watch a cricket or a football match after the match is over. Otherwise, I am anxious and tensed about the results. But once the game is over I sit back, relax and watch the highlights and enjoy the wickets falling and the goals. That’s what faith is- you know the results. You have won the battle even before it ends.

  • Even after 25 years Abraham gave glory to God once he heard the Promise. He was certain that he will see his promise come to pass. In your faith, give glory to God.
  • Therefore, when you go through big problems, you won’t hear God’s voice because he doesn’t speak in such times. You wonder why God is not speaking to you. Do you know why? Because God knows the outcome. Your cancer has to go! The stripes of Jesus heal you.

Recently I was talking to a Man of God and he has a powerful healing ministry and I asked him how he does it. he just said that every time someone comes to him sick or in a wheelchair he imagines and replays his/her healing in his mind and then just extends his hands to reach out to that person and the healing manifests. This is the gift of faith.

God is releasing the gifts of healing among some of you. May your spiritual eyes be opened. And may the Holy Spirit deposit the divine revelations into your spirit.

God sometime shows us our life like a panorama reel. We just need to take it 

Romans 4 in the Amplified Bible- Abraham was impotent and Sarah’s womb was “doubly dead”. It looked impossible.

  • Just give glory to God! Don’t allow your situations, medical reports and battles to govern your thinking. If God has said, ‘My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory’, He WILL do so.
  • Just remember everything that God has spoken to you from His Word and give Him glory, do not walk in your reason but in your faith. 

Ephesians 6:16- In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one 


  • It will protect you from the arrows of the enemy. It is a protective shield. The reason you are protected is because of your faith in Jesus. You won’t die in an accident! Faith is a shield. When you hear this, say ‘Yes Lord’. When you say this, the Holy Spirit will surround you like a shield. No matter who tries to attack you, you are not killable because of your faith in Jesus Christ. 
  • Paul was put in a tomb but believers around him started praising God and he came out and began preaching in the town. Some of you cannot see it because you operate in the realm of your reasoning. Have faith! 


Shalom means - nothing missing, nothing broken and nothing WANTING 

May your faith in the word of God bring you to that place where nothing is missing, nothing broken and nothing is wanting.

  • Faith will make you complete. This is not just for you but for your family, your children and those who trust you.
  • You should tap into that grace that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ. You should know what you believe. Faith does not hang in the air. Faith comes by the Word. • A church is not built by the giftings of a person but by faith. If you want to witness the move of God, stay back after the service.
  • He will do what He promised me. He will fortify me! Some people say, “Nothing will happen to me.” You need to believe based on what you have understood from the BIBLE. If the Holy Spirit has said something to you, just hold on to it 
  • Believe what you know. You have to take a scripture and make it personal. You need to have a specific conviction that that scripture is for you! It is not just for Abraham, Isaac or Jacob but for me. The word says that Abraham was fully persuaded. You got to be fully persuaded.
  • I am not a borrower but a lender. I won’t beg, I won’t borrow. May Strong faith arise inside of you.

What you believe must take over your thoughts 

  • You can’t say you have faith in your heart and keep thinking the opposite of the Word. That is not faith. You can’t say I have faith and keep having thoughts of death.
  • What you have thought or meditated upon, you should declare it.

Faith is confirmed by speech. If you can’t say it, you don’t believe it. 

  • I always will speak what I believe. This church will further expand’ people from all over the world will come here and be anointed.
  • The person who declares her faith will ACT. The devil may try and distract you but you will overcome that. May strong faith take over your life. If the devil says ‘Hey!’ You say ‘hey hey!’ 

Smith Wigglesworth says- ‘Never make the devil to think he has got your attention’. 

  • He will make you believe that this disease will kill you and that this debt will destroy you. You need to look at him and say “Hey hey”! I know whom I have believed. 

Whatever you magnify will multiply. 

  • If you will stop magnifying the lies of the enemy, you will manifest and multiply. If you know how to celebrate your faith (by giving glory to God) then you are multiplying. Amid your uncertainties give glory to God. That is the certainty of your faith.
  • Do you believe in what God has spoken to you? 


  • God will make that happen which has not happened before.
  • Isaac came out when there was an impossibility. Isaac means laughter. Start laughing looking at your impossibilities.

Faith’s focus is on Jesus Christ. It is on the one who spoke it. 

The God of glory appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia. But certain people come in the way: 

  1. TERAH- Terah delayed him from going out. There are people who will tell you to wait but Abraham stepped out in faith. Many will tell you no need to baptize now, you won’t get the best boy or the best girl to marry if you do. Do not delay!
  2. LOT- Abraham’s nephew. He is the one who takes advantage, he did not step out looking at his calling but he stepped out for the blessing. They are selfish. They are focused only on the blessing. They do not walk according to the calling. They do not think about others. 
  • God’s work is happening here because we obey the Lord. That is the vision that is given by the Holy Spirit. If you connect to the Lord and to the man of God you will see the Holy Spirit revealing GOD’s plans to you otherwise you will feel lonely and rejected.

After Lot left Abram, God spoke to Abraham and said lift up your eyes and everything to the East, West, North and South belongs to you.

3) HAGAR- She made Abraham move away from faith. Hagar was Sarah’s idea but he acted on it with his mind.

Wives sometimes obey the husbands only in a few things! 

Hagar left and Melchizedek was revealed. Wine, health, wine, and wealth was revealed. Royal life came through.

In your walk of faith, royalty will be revealed. 

May such newer higher levels and realms be revealed. By faith, Abraham gave glory to God.