Blessing with Your Name on it

Blessing with Your Name on it

1st Sep 2024     |     Malayalam

Blessing with Your Name on it

Sunday sermon by Pastor Rajesh mathew, 1 September 2024 

Hebrews 11:8- 8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 

Genesis 15:1,5,6- 15 After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” 5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. 

  • The Holy Spirit has released a prophetic Word for us- By faith Abraham left his county not knowing where he was going but that he would receive an inheritance. Faith for your inheritance. • People use works used on earth that refers to inheritance: Money, Riches and Wealth. The Bible talks about something greater than these three- that is INHERITANCE. Family problems and legal cases and fights in families are all due to money. God will deliver you in this specific area in your life.

Genesis 13:2- 2 Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold. • Abraham was a wealthy man. He had a lot of gold and silver. But by faith Abraham caught something much more valuable and he left what he had to obey God and follow after HIM and that was for his Inheritance.

  • Even if you have gold and silver, there is something greater that God has kept for you and that is your inheritance.
  • Abraham did not leave his country and kindred for more wealth but for the inheritance that God has kept for him.

Today God wants to release the inheritance that HE has reserved for you, into your life. 

What does inheritance mean?

It is that which God has prepared with your name on it. 

  • Declare that by faith I am going to catch my inheritance with my name on it.

When we were studying in school or college, if we thought or felt that we liked someone, we would tattoo their names on our chest or hands, but after some time that person would marry somebody else. Lesson for us- do not write what is not yours. There are certain things that are yours given by God, whether it is a partner, ministry, business or something else-- do not write down the name of that which is not yours! God has kept an inheritance for you! 

  • By walking in your own will, doing your own wish, walking your own ways, you are not able to receive what God has kept for you. May the Lord break the powers that are making your do that in Jesus Name. You don’t get hold of someone else’s wife of some other boy who is not a part of God’s plan into your life. GOD HAS KEPT FEW THINGS FOR YOU. 

The first step to get your inheritance is that you need to know Jesus Christ. Your inheritance is in Christ is the most important. 

  • If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, if you do not know Jesus, you cannot experience His inheritance neither can you understand this truth. Jesus Christ is most important in my life; more than my riches, my family, my wealth. He is my Healer, my Protector, My Shepherd, my Deliverer, my Blessing, my Provider. Your Inheritance is in IN CHRIST. 
  • Healing is the inheritance of children of God. It is the bread. Don’t wonder if the Lord truly wants to heal you. You will leave this place with healing and strength, it is the children’s bread. Even the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table can heal. But you are his children, the bread is an inheritance of the children of God. Receive it by faith.
  • Natural Inheritance is what parents leave for their children. It may be a piece of antique furniture that you grandfather’s grandfather used. You may be the one inheriting it for the 7th generation. A bum-hurting chair with no cushions! Sometimes, maybe it is gold or may be a well full of water.

The inheritance that you receive through your blood line will depreciate through the years but the inheritance that you receive from God will appreciate.

  • Are you ready to leave a few things like Abraham did to get hold of the inheritance that God has kept for you? You may have the materials, house, wealth that your father has left for you; but if your are willing to leave the UR of Chaldeans like Abraham did for God, then you will receive the inheritance that GOD has kept for you. 
  • Abraham where are you going? He did not know. “I don’t know where I am going but I have stepped out to find the inheritance that God has kept for me. I am going out to look for that which has my name on it”, Abraham says.

I am looking for that which has my name on it kept by God. 

I asked the Lord ‘what have you kept in my name?’ and the Lord said, I have kept 102 nations for you. Ask of Me and I will give you nations for your inheritance.

  • In today’s language, Abraham decided to migrate to another country. Many of us want to go to the US, Australia, Canada for money, for gold, to have a good house, a good car.

But Abraham migrated leaving behind the gold and silver and a big wealthy family name to go after the inheritance that God had kept for him with his name on it. 

  • Yes, you must earn money and make wealth, I am not against it. Riches is resources, wealth is substance (it has more value than resources). Working and doing business for it is not wrong but beyond that, while you are here on the earth if you do not lay your hands on that which God has kept for you here, all that you do is of no use.
  • Working for 50 years will not give you the inheritance but when you look unto the face of Jesus and connect with Him and seek Him for that which has your name on it, be ready to migrate for that.

Acts 26:18- to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified[a] by faith in Me.’ 

God called Paul.

In the 9th month some of your calling will be revealed very clearly.


  1. To open the eyes of people- God wanted to use Paul to open the eyes of His people so that they can see a new reality. The word says in the Book of John that Unless the Lord open the eyes they cannot see the Kingdom and cannot inherit the promises of God.

The word being preached today has the anointing to open your eyes. You will see differently. 

This is the morning where your perspectives will change. May you see a new reality.

  1. To turn them from darkness to light- To have an encounter with light. There is light in the Word. If you receive that Word, you are a child of light. You can’t walk alone, hiding, in darkness. You will walk in light as He is in the light then the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. 
  2. Turn from the power of Satan- This is ministry. Reinhard Bonke said- Don’t deliver a message, deliver people. Be free! From the power of Satan to the Power of Jesus. Black Magic, witchcraft is not powerful, the power of the Holy Spirit is within every child of God who has the Holy Spirit. The antichrist doesn’t have power, it true power is in every child of GOD, there is power in the Name of Jesus, pray and worship in the Holy Spirit.

If you are a follower of Jesus, you have the real power! The real power is the Holy ghost power. 

  • A thousand may fall at your right side and ten thousand on your left but not one shall come near you. You will see in the days to come, children as young as these casting out demons, healing the sick and ministering the authority of Jesus. You will see it with your eyes! Anointing upon the youngsters.
  1. Receive the forgiveness of sins- There are people who come to church and never once understand that their sins are forgiven. They still call themselves sinners after coming to church for 20-30 years. There is power in the Blood of Jesus. What is the foundation that you are forgiven? There is no evidence but you receive it by faith. Even if your sins are as red as crimson, you will be washed and made white as snow. You are righteous by the Blood of Jesus.

Children, children- Boost is not the secret of energy, the Holy Spirit is the secret of your energy! Why is Paul saying all this?

He says in Acts 26:18, so that we receive the inheritance!

  1. Eternal inheritance- There is eternal, undefiled and holy inheritances kept for us in heaven. Nobody can take it away from me. My mansion stands strong in heaven. It is not like a structure that the government builds for us.
  2. Ministry- The souls that God wants to bring into His kingdom. Your testimony, one prayer on your knees is enough! 

God called me the office of a prophet - to be a prophet unto the nations. This has been prophesied over my life time and again. Pastoring is only a pathway to get me to the maturity to be a prophet 

Galatians 4:1-2 says that ministry is for those who are mature. 

Will you father write 100 acres to a 10-year old kid? No! Until the child matures, the father will write it in the name of some trustee and transfer it when the child grows up and is mature.

Inheritance means ‘to receive an irrevocable gift’. 

It can never be taken back!

These are the spiritual gifts or inheritances. And everybody wants only these. 3. Earthly gifts/inheritances: Children, land, resources, family relationships. All of these are yours but with your name on them.


  • In Genesis 15, Abraham was heavy-hearted after a battle and he had no children too, he was wondering who his heir will be and thought it will be his servant Eleazer.
  • He had fought with 18 kings and had brought Lot back. And after the battle he was weak in his heart. Its then that the Lord appears to him and said, don’t be insecure, I am your shield. • When problems come, challenges come, don’t worry, don’t become insecure, God Himself will be your shield. There were 300 odd men who had fought alongside Abraham, but they were not his shield. The Lord was His shield.
  • You may pump iron in the gym, but health is a blessing from the Lord. Just because you walked every day, or your worked out every day, it doesn’t mean you will be healthy all the days of your life. IT IS THE LORD! He is your shield. He is your protector. He is your keeper.

God should be your refuge. Never take refuge in your education, your background, your abilities and your family name. 

  • Make God and God alone your refuge. My dog, my house or my friends who fight for me are not my protection. It is only the Lord! 


  • Abraham who built altars, who worshipped God, who left everything to seek the inheritance of God. God told him to step out and look up and see the stars. God said, ‘Look up and see the stars and JUST LIKE THE STARS, I’ll bless you’ 

May your eyes be opened to see what God has kept for you. 


  • The blessing that God gives you is immeasurable. You cannot say I have so much land or so much property in measurable terms.

What God gives you appreciates. It goes from one generation to the other. 

Genesis 41:49: 49 Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure. 

  • Joseph was gathering, and he couldn’t measure anymore. The inheritance that God gives you will keep on multiplying. It will keep appreciating It moved from generation to generation- Abraham to joseph. I release that blessing over your generations!

No depreciation, only appreciation! 

  • Look at David. He wanted to take a census of the people of Israel. But God was upset.

1 Chronicles 27:23- 23 David did not take the number of the men twenty years old or less, because the Lord had promised to make Israel as numerous as the stars in the sky. 

  • God said that he will increase Israel as numerous as the stars in the sky. 

The inheritance that God gives you is immeasurable. 

  • Your calculations will do wrong, in a good way. If you are calculating still, that means you have not entered into the inheritance of God.
  • God increased the 5 loaves and 2 fish and there were 12 basketfuls were left over. There was no calculation for God to increase. Everyone who ate were hungry people and they must have eaten really well, but 2 basketfuls were left. There is no calculation for what God gives you. May He keep on increasing what He has blessed you with. 
  • God sent quail for the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness. He sent quail in excess of 2.5 million! Is there any meats tore that can give you 2.5 million excess meat?! 
  • The inheritance and blessing of God are top-level. Nobody can grab them. • God tells Abraham, since you worship and serve me, I will increase you like the stars of the sky. Abraham told Lot to take whatever he wanted because he was certain that what God has kept for him will remain and nobody can reach it.

Nobody will be able to reach your level. That’s a Word for some of you!

God will lift you! 

God lifted Joseph. Nobody could pull him down from the palace. David was converted from a shepherd boy to a king, and nobody could bring him down. 

The favour of God lifted Joseph and the anointing of God David. 

Favour and anointing of God will raise you to heights that nobody can reach! 

  • Even Jesus was referred to as the seed of Abraham and hence he was given the name above every other name. 

I love my Jesus. I am a Jesus Boy! 

  • The sun, moon and stars have their distinct glory. “I will always be bright”. You will always shine for the glory of God. 
  • Daniel stood bright and shining through the reign of three different kings. Cyrus died but Daniel stood shining, Nebuchadnezzar, because of his arrogance was cursed and he walked like a mad man on all fours eating grass, but Daniel stood shining.
  • Jesus is your inheritance. Do not sulk if someone said one or two bad comments about you in Facebook or YouTube. 

In every area of your life, you will shine in Jesus Christ.

  • In the New Testament, the Lord told Paul said ‘I made you a light unto the gentiles’. Paul was a Jew who studied under Gamaliel but was called to preach to the gentiles. On the other hand, God called an uneducated Peter to preach to the Jews! What does it mean? An MBBS doctor went to do business. Just like Paul, many of you will shine amid the gentiles and people will be healed just through your handkerchief. 
  • Some of you will walk in 9 spiritual gifts in the 9th month. The Holy Spirit will make you shine and burn with the fire of the Holy spirit this month.
  • Your studies and abilities don’t matter. It is only GOD’s grace. It is your inheritance in Christ. Tell your neighbour, ‘You look like a star’. This Christmas you needn’t hang a star outside your home, you go and stand! 
  • You are ever bright and shining, Glory to God 

The devil as become dim and the church bright 

The church is the inheritance of Christ. Lift your hands and give him the glory.

The 9th month is a month where some of you will see new beginnings in your life in the very areas where you thought everything is over!